Become a Facilitator
Teach Active Relationships in your community!
Active Relationships Center® (ARC) certifies leaders (facilitators) to present its evidence-based curricula to singles, couples, youth and families in all walks of life.
If you or your organization would like to be certified as a facilitator to present Active Relationships courses, please contact us. Most faith-based and non-profit organizations, schools and government agencies have audiences in need, as well as those that could teach. We can help! Almost anyone can become a facilitator, but typically it is someone already active in a leading or supporting role, or wants to be, with good communication skills.
Facilitators do not have to be degreed or licensed counselors but they should have:
- a professional demeanor, the respect of others in your organization and an understanding of the subject matter you want to be trained in
- respect for other cultures, ethnicities, religions, family structures, and the challenges they may be facing
- a comfort level speaking conversationally in front of others, leading them through a learning process with humility, while keeping a class “on track”
- the ability to continue learning and growing in the concepts to be able to accurately answer questions and provide teaching examples
Do these traits sound like you or someone in your organization? Contact us to learn more about being certified!
Already a Facilitator?
We are here to support you in your mission and service. In this website, you’ll find-

FAQ Page

ARC Videos

Training Downloads
This secure page offers presentations that ARC-certified facilitators can download and edit as needed, and PDF documents of additional exercises, skits, and updated material that may have been added or changed in the curriculum since you received your training.
Facilitator Ongoing Support
Active Relationships offers extraordinary Facilitator Support at no cost to our network of facilitators worldwide. Facilitator support includes:
- A Master Trainer regularly available to answer your questions about everything from certification and recruitment to implementation.
- Webinars dedicated to answering questions, providing ideas for facilitators’ best practices of subject matter and for program fidelity, quality assurance and mission success for your organization.
Are you already certified by ARC and need access to our secure Facilitator Pages?
Contact: to request a Facilitator account login and password. Your account will be set up and a password emailed within 2 business days.
Please provide the following information at the time you request your password including the place and year you were certified and the entity that sponsored your training (example: Army, Air National Guard, Department of Justice, Air Force etc.)
Subject line of email: "Request Facilitator Access login"
Name: (as our records would show)
Email: (military users provide private email)
Approximate date of certification:
City/Place of certification:
Sponsoring Entity of certification: If you have been trained in 2018 or later, you were probably issued a password at the time of your certification or immediately following, but if you no longer have it, feel free to contact us and we will re-issue a password to you.