Research and Evidence Supporting Active Relationships Center® Courses

ARC® curricula are research- and evidence-based by Baylor University professors of Social Work or Fuller Theological Seminary and outcomes are published in peer-reviewed journals including the Family Science Review and Social Work & Christianity, an international journal.

Our courses have been utilized by the U.S. military, including the Army, Air Force, Air National Guard, Army Reserves and Navy. They have also been used in federal grant projects for Head Start, Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives, Teen Pregnancy Prevention, and in federal projects for refugees and immigrants.

Christian programs are utilized in faith communities, incarceration and re-entry settings. Programs are also used in police academies and for professionals in business. Schools have utilized youth and parent programs with high acclaim. Spanish-language programs are utilized nationwide and the ARC Federal Hispanic Active Relationships Project achieved status as top 12 in the nation for “Promising Practices” in the field.
